Deaf/Hard of Hearing Specialized Services

  • The following services are provided to students who are already enrolled in the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Support Program. They are available to students who are not enrolled in the program on a fee-for-services basis.

    Communication Access Services

    Interpreters, Communication Support Specialists and Captionists work to facilitate communication between persons who are Deaf/HH and persons who are hearing in the learning environment. These services are provided for academic lecturers, classroom discussion, assessments, assemblies and extracurricular activities in which students or parents participate. Services include:Therapist working on language skills with child.

    • Educational Sign Language Interpreters
    • Communication Support Specialists
    • Captionists or Notetakers


    Consultative Services

    Consultation by supervisors, teachers and educational audiologists can be provided to school district personnel for a variety of needs including:

    • Recommendation of accommodations for special needs in the classroom.
    • Instruction to teachers and peers on the needs of students with hearing loss.
    • Collaboration with agencies providing resources to students and parents (OVR, Center for Speech and Hearing, etc.)

    Direct Instruction in Hearing Support Curriculum Skill Areas

    Instruction may be provided in the areas of language, literacy, speechreading, listening, self-advocacy and any other area of need that has been identified. 

    Educational Audiology

    AIU Educational Audiologists provide relevant assessments of student auditory functioning, hearing and listening levels, participate in multi-disciplinary educational teams and assist with the determination of eligibility and need for Deaf/Hard of Hearing support services. Evaluation, fitting and monitoring of school-provided individual assistive listening technology, as indicated by Pennsylvania State Licensure in Audiology, is a key component of AIU educational audiological services.

    Initial Assessment/Re-Assessment of Eligibility and Needs

    Upon referral by their school district to the AIU Deaf/Hard of Hearing Support Program, an Educational Functional Hearing Assessment is conducted by the Hearing Diagnostician and/or Teacher of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing and the Educational Audiologist to determine eligibility. Enrolled students receive ongoing evaluation to assess progress and determine continued eligibility.

    Personnel Training (Group training can be provided on a prorated basis)

    Professional Development opportunities are provided to AIU Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing via monthly staff meetings and inservice programs. School district personnel may participate in inservice programs on a fee-for-service basis. Act 48 hours are available for most inservice programs.